An Avocado Valentine from Mimi Avocado



What says “love” to you on Valentine’s Day?  A box of chocolates? A bouquet of roses?  Or creamy and delicious California avocados?  How about an Avocado Valentine!

I will admit that I love flowers and chocolate as much as the next girl…and a dinner out is fun too.

When you’re married to an Avocado Farmer,  the month of February is the time to eat Fuerte avocados.   The avocados themselves are beautiful…pear-shaped,  sensuous.

The skin of a Fuerte is easy to peel …when the fruit is perfectly ripe, it peels right off to reveal a naked avocado!


This morning I decided to have a little fun with our breakfast…so I made The Farmer an avocado valentine!

avocado valentine

Instead of slicing the avocado into wedges,  I sliced an entire half  through the center.  The beautiful green and yellow colors were inspiring!

I used the smallest cookie cutters to create an Avocado Valentine!

avocados cut with cookie cutters

Carefully cut the avocado with cookie cutters and use a small spatula to move each piece to the toast. Double up the layers to take advantage of the beautiful color combinations!

Isn’t this fun?  Of course, The Farmer likes his with pepper and salt!


I wanted one too…so I used the rest of the avocado half for my own toast,  made with Ezekial flourless  sprouted-grain bread.

My Avocado Toast

Use the left-over pieces on more toast! This one was scrumptious!

Fuerte Avocados are in peak season during the month of February.  You may not find them in stores, because the thinner peel makes them harder to ship to stores  in bulk.   There is nothing like the flavor of a perfectly ripe Fuerte avocado…if you haven’t tried them, you simply must.   Look for Fuerte avocados in So. California Farmers Markets.  Or you can order a fresh picked gift box of Fuerte avocados from California Avocados Direct.


Creamy and delicious Fuerte avocados make a special breakfast!

Happy Valentine’s Day to all of you!  How are you celebrating today?

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