My First Blog Post



The time has finally come to stop talking about it and just do it. 

I have been reading blogs, reading books about blogs, talking to bloggers, attending blogging conferences and generally lurking in the Blogosphere for a long time.  So far I have met intelligent, creative and generous people who have been nothing but supportive and encouraging, including Kristen of Dine and Dish and Rachael of La Fuji Mama.  I am in awe of their designs,  photographic skills, creative story-telling, culinary prowess, and hospitality online.   I want to do that too.

At first I wasn’t even planning to write my own blog at all.  I just wanted to learn about blogging.  Who are these bloggers?  Why are they so passionate about their blogs? I had met several top bloggers when they reviewed the avocado gift boxes from our new family business called California Avocados Direct.  I “liked” them on Facebook and “followed” them on Twitter.  They liked and followed me back…and soon I was chatting, commenting and feeling like one of the cool kids too. So I took a big step and signed up for the BlogHer ’11 conference in San Diego last August.  I found a roommate on Twitter.  I sat in large rooms listening to bloggers talk about the legal aspects of blogging, the business of blogging,  blog designs, managing communities through blogging, changing one’s life through blogging….well, you get the idea. I went to fabulous parties and had stimulating discussions with women about all kinds of exciting issues.  I felt more alive than I had felt in a long time.  I felt inspired!  I felt energized!

BlogHer’11 Voices of the Year Awards

And that’s when  I started stalling.

At first I was just looking for the perfect name for my blog.   All the experts and gurus say that a great blog name should be short, easy to spell, quirky and memorable.  Friends suggested some clever and cutesy names, but  I kept coming back to “Mimi Avocado”,  the name that my friend Karen uses on her e-mails to me.  At the TechMunch’11 conference, a food-bloggers meeting in Santa Monica in September, I announced that I was still looking for a name for my Unborn Blog.  Several professional PR people stepped up to coach me,  and one took it on as a personal challenge to make sure I had a name that same day.  Thank you to Beth of Carl’s Jr. restaurants for pushing me over the edge…”MImi Avocado” was officially selected and I was ready to buy the domain!

Another wonderful blogger took me under his wing and coached me through the selection of a host and the initial set-up of WordPress. (Thank-you Andrew of EatingRules.)

I had a another good excuse for not starting the blog though:  “I’m waiting to take a WordPress class.  Then I”ll start my blog and do it correctly!” (Do you notice the classic signs of perfectionism and procrastination?  Yep, I did too, but that’s another topic.) This is the Third Week of the WordPress class and I am now required to add at least 4 new posts to my Baby Blog.  No more “Unborn Blog”.  Now it’s real. So here it is. My first post.  And what is it about?  Nothing.  Just that this is my first blog post ever.  Can you tell I’m doing a happy dance?

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