Two years ago the idea of eating unprocessed foods for an entire month seemed like an insurmountable challenge to me and my family. Now it isn’t nearly as daunting because we realized that avocados may be the ultimate unprocessed food. When I build recipes around avocados, it isn’t difficult to meet the challenge of eating unprocessed foods for a day, a week or even a month. In fact, it’s easier all year round to eat healthier when avocados are in the picture!
Today I am thrilled to be a guest blogger at Eating Rules, sharing my story and an easy recipe for a hearty avocado salad that makes a great snack or meal. Are you thinking about trying the October Unprocessed Challenge…even for one day? Run right over to Eating Rules’ October Unprocessed 2012 on October 14, 2012.
] Find the recipe for this avocado salad over at Eating Rules on October 14th!