California avocado harvest is in full swing now, so we have lots of ripe avocados in the kitchen. I don’t usually plan special recipes, but find ways to incorporate avocados into our everyday meals. That’s one of the best things about avocados…they add something special to every dish! Today I’m sharing some of the meals we enjoy with “simply avocados”.
We like to keep a ham in the fridge during the summertime, when we want to be ready to serve a crowd without much notice. It really comes in handy for breakfast! This morning I diced up a few slices into some sauteed crimini mushrooms, then poured eggs beaten with a little water into the pan for a delicious skillet scramble. A little grated cheese and some sliced avocado made it into a breakfast feast! What could be easier?
Baby avocados are growing for next year while we are harvesting this year’s crop of mature avocados.
June is one of my favorite months, when the avocado trees are putting out their new red leaves to shelter the baby avocados from the sun. At the same time, the mature fruit is ready to pick! This is the time of year when the largest fruit can be harvested while the smaller avocados are left on the tree to grow bigger. Meanwhile, those little baby avocados are being covered with umbrellas of new red leaves that will gradually turn green as they grow larger.
Baby avocados will grow for a whole year before they will be large enough and mature enough for harvest. Fertilizer and water are important now. The hottest weather is coming…sometimes a heat spell can sneak up! Farmers keep track of the weather predictions so that they can give the trees more water in anticipation of temperatures in the 90’s or 100’s. Trees need plenty of water to keep the leaves from turning brown. Those leaves protect two crops of avocados, the ones we are harvesting now as well as the ones that are growing for next year.
Freshly picked avocados are hard and green. They will begin so soften after they are picked from the tree.
Here is a bin of avocados that have just been picked from the trees! They will be sorted into different sizes, and the ones with sunburn or blemishes will be set aside as #2’s. Grocery store produce buyers decide which sizes and grades to offer to their customers. The prices vary depending on which sizes are in demand, and whether the avocados are perfect or not.
These avocados will be packed into boxes and sent out to stores, restaurants, and other venders. Can’t find California avocados in your area? We ship direct from the farm! California Avocados Direct is our online store.
Looking for more ideas for serving fresh California avocados? Here are a few of the meals we have had lately here at the ranch. Just keep it simple…add California avocados!
How about a Caesar salad with some baked salmon and fresh avocado? Or make a salmon salad and put a scoop on top of a perfect avocado half!
Grill some sausages, add a spoonful of sauerkraut, marinated artichoke hearts, crackers…and mustard. Plus avocados!
Substitute avocado for the mayonnaise in potato salad. Use plenty of perfect avocado slices to brighten up the bowl!We used tri-color Idaho potatoes…purple, red and gold!
Cut a slice from perfect curved side of a peeled avocado … about 1/4 inch thick…and use a pretty little cookie cutter to make shapes. Mash the rest of the avocado and spread on the toast. Then add the pretty shapes to the top! Party time!
I’d love to hear how YOU like to enjoy California avocados in the summertime! Leave a comment with your “Simply Avocados” ideas!
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